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  • Foto van schrijverJoop Soesan

Premier Lapid tegen tientallen wereldleiders: verzet je tegen VN-stemming over advies ICJ Den Haag

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Premier Yair Lapid heeft maandag een brief gestuurd naar meer dan 50 wereldleiders waarin hij hen opriep hun invloed uit te oefenen op de Palestijnse Autoriteit om te voorkomen dat de Algemene Vergadering zou stemmen over een advies van het Internationaal Gerechtshof van Justitie (ICJ) over het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict.

De brief vindt u onder dit artikel.

In de brief benadrukte de premier dat als het initiatief om een ​​stemming te voorkomen niet slaagt, hij verwacht dat de vrienden van Israël ernaast gaan staan ​​en tegen de resolutie stemmen.

Premier Yair Lapid: "Deze resolutie is het resultaat van een gezamenlijke inspanning om Israël eruit te pikken, onze legitieme veiligheidszorgen in diskrediet te brengen en ons bestaan ​​te delegitimeren."

Premier Lapid voegde eraan toe dat de status van betwist gebied onderwerp moet zijn van rechtstreekse onderhandelingen tussen Israël en de Palestijnse Autoriteit, en dat het voorleggen van de zaak aan het ICJ in strijd is met het principe van rechtstreekse onderhandelingen dat door de internationale gemeenschap is aanvaard en de extremisten.

De brief is verzonden naar naar tientallen wereldleiders, onder meer van het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Frankrijk, Kroatië, Roemenië, Bulgarije, Nederland, Slowakije, Letland, Georgië, Brazilië, Uruguay, Peru en Vietnam.

Hieronder een kopie van de originele brief:

Your Excellency,

The past few years have been years of great progress in the Middle East: from the Abraham Accords which changed the landscape of the entire region, to the historic Negev Summit, and more recently, the groundbreaking gas deal between Israel and Lebanon. This path of peace that we’re on is already improving the lives of Israelis and our Arab neighbors alike, promoting prosperity for our peoples and building a better future for us all. All these achievements were reached through negotiations between the relevant parties — the only proven way to attain lasting peace in our region. I am writing to you today to ensure we keep moving forward and building on this progress, rather than move backwards.

The Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly adopted a draft resolution in which the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is asked to render an advisory opinion concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Almost half of the UN’s member states refused to support this draft resolution, sending a clear message of disapproval. However, numerous attempts by several states to dissuade the Palestinian Authority from going down this harmful path have been rejected.

This resolution is the outcome of a concerted effort to single out Israel, to discredit our legitimate security concerns, and to delegitimize our very existence. At the heart of this biased campaign is the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva and its Commission of Inquiry (COI) against Israel. On numerous occasions, the members of these bodies have made clear their deeply-held bias, bigotry and racism against Israel and the Jewish people. The continued employment of these members isn’t only moral hypocrisy, it is in direct contravention to the core principles of the United Nations.

Since taking office, my government has promoted high-level contacts with the Palestinian Authority and has undertaken numerous confidence-building measures on the ground to promote the prosperity and well-being of the Palestinians. In my speech before the General Assembly last September, I clearly laid out Israel’s desire to promote a just and lasting peace with the Palestinians.

It has long been accepted that the status of disputed territory will be subject to direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. A one-sided change to such a policy will have detrimental effects on the entire region. Bringing the matter before the ICJ expressly contravenes the principle of direct negotiations accepted by Israel, the Palestinians and the international community, and will only play into the hands of extremists, further polarize the parties, and undermine the positive work that has been done over the past few years.

I urge your country to exercise your influence on the Palestinian Authority so that they refrain from promoting this dangerous move at the General Assembly. If the Palestinians continue to ignore these requests and this resolution is brought to a vote in December, I hope and expect that your country will vote against it and voice your clear concerns regarding its dangerous ramifications. At times like this, we look to our friends to stand with us.

As we are approaching the start of a new year, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your country a Happy New Year. May 2023 be a year of prosperity and stability for (NAME OF COUNTRY).


Yair Lapid

Prime Minister of Israel

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